There’s something unspeakably beautiful about a smile. We’ve all had thosedays. The days where we can’t see the bright side no matter how hard we try. We will feel down in the dumps until we’re met with a smile. A smile that catches us off guard and brightens our mood.

Smiling is somehow overrated and underrated because we know how important it is, but we also don’t entirely understand how important it can be for our health. Smiling is a contagious mood booster that’s always ready for use, but it’s time we actually take a moment to explore why.

Smiling releases endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and other neuropeptides. These chemicals are what we feel when we smile or receive a smile. All the positive and comforting vibes. Smiling also activates our mirror neurons creating a contagious response.

When meeting new people or reconnecting with old ones, it’s important to remember the role of a smile. It indicates a sense of safety and fosters a secure connection. It’s a great way to start any conversation, even serious ones.

We’ve already established the power of small talk, but imagine that coupled with the power of a smile? It’s the recipe for a charming interaction.

Now, depending on where you are, smiling can range from being a common sight to an uncommon one. For example, New York City is not known for smiling faces; however, this makes a smile feel a bit more special in the bustling city. Greeting people with a warmth they aren’t entirely used to can really set you apart from the rest, while allowing you to initiate a meaningful conversation.

It can defuse the awkwardness that sometimes creeps in during the lulls in conversations. Oftentimes, people become anxious or nervous when the inevitable lull happens, but you should see it as a gracious opportunity. It’s a perfect time to pause and be present with whomever you are speaking too. Having a quiet moment of appreciation between you and another person can deepen a connection just as much — if not more — than continuously speaking in some cases.

Above all else, a smile is a universal expression of appreciation, joy, and welcome. No matter where you go in the world, or who you meet within the world, you can guarantee that a smile will come in handy. Not every country or culture uses the power of smiling in the same way. For example, in parts of Eastern Asia smiling without reason is frowned upon. A smile can be interpreted as either a threat or indication of ridicule or mocking.

However, whether or not it is appropriately used in social situations doesn’t change the fact that smiling is a very fundamental part of human expression. It quite literally makes us happier and allows us to nonverbally communicate with each other.

It’s important to remember that a smile can go a long way, especially if you’re looking to broaden your horizons. When attempting to meet new people remember your secret weapon: that smile. It’ll turn a possibly nerve-racking experience into a fruitful one.

It’s not easy to put yourself out there and meet new people; however, it is so important for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Cyasoon has made it our mission to help connect strangers quickly and securely. When we launch, we can serve you the perfect opportunity to show off your own smile.

Stay posted by following us on social media. Be one of the first to know when our app is available for download. We look forward to seeing your pearly whites!
