No one likes small talk. No one.

In fact, most Americans—about 71%—would rather sit in complete silence than engage in small talk; plus as technology advances, so does the avoidance of small talk. About 89% of Gen-Z look at their phones to bypass it entirely.

These statistics may be unsurprising, but they are definitely ironic. The loneliness epidemic is something most Americans are too aware of, so why do we continuously avoid conversation?

Because it’s AWKWARD. Those jittery feelings of anxiety that keep us from conversing normally with strangers is all too universal. Many people wish to go beyond small talk, but they’re too nervous to do it. The idea of fiddling your thumbs as you try and find something to talk about isn’t an alluring one. Not to mention, what would people think?

In our current time, we have become too hyper aware of how we are perceived (especially thanks to dating profiles). It is incredibly understandable that people would opt-out of it all together. There’s a good amount of fear, worry, and anxiety inundating us every day. Of course, we’re too in our heads to branch out! We’re only human… but humans also need interpersonal connections to live fulfilling lives.

Arthur Ashe famously said: “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” He was right.

Technology is seen as the villainous culprit to our current dilemmas, but that is not entirely true. Loneliness has existed for as long as we have because it’s a normal part of the human experience. There is no shame in feeling that way—in fact, it’s relatable. There are so many interests, feelings, and ideas that we, as people, all share. We only struggle to actually share it, and many of the social media platforms that exist right now discourage us from doing it. Another relatable experience is being judged by your social media presence, or lack thereof.

None of these facts change the truth though: we need connection. We need to branch out. We need to make sure we are creating and building relationships throughout our lives. It’s important.

But how? Well, first with the inevitable small talk and introductions. Overcoming that fear and nervousness will only build confidence. Meeting new people more often will only make it easier to do it every day. Learning that there are people all around you who enjoy the same things you do, or complement it in an irreplaceable way, can help too.

Imagine meeting someone new at an Italian restaurant, and simply asking: “So when was the first time you realized you loved Italian food?” That’s a life story right there. That’s a connection being built. It really does start off small.

It’s about having hope. Because, yes, maybe the first few minutes are awkward, but remember they feel awkward too. Feeling awkward and nervous is a normal part of making new connections. Being a bit more fearless about showing the world who you are, what you love, and the unique qualities you have to offer can set you free.

We can change our social lives by creating ones that are more authentic to who we are and what we love. We can start connecting with people who understand us and are eager to learn more. When we find courage, we find community.

Cyasoon is dedicated to fostering community in this new modern world. We know and understand that technology can’t do it without us. Cyasoon has created an app that will connect you with like-minded individuals, so you can finally have the conversations you’ve been craving and needing to have. Our app ensures that you are free and safe to finally explore the world around you.

Visit our website for more information on when we’ll be launching. You can become one of the first people to help alleviate collective loneliness by growing and developing your own community.

We hope to Cyasoon!