Be Kind.

Netiquette: Essential Online Etiquette

Are you familiar with the term “netiquette”? Many people are not, but it’s a word that’s quite easy to figure out. Netiquette is a customary code of polite behavior to practice while on the internet. It’s commonly reinforced in educational and professional environments; however, in recent years, there’s been a huge push to bring it to all corners of the internet.

We all use the internet — specifically, social media — and we are all just trying to have a good time! We know we can’t get rid of every troll online, but we can definitely work together to make it a safer, more respectful experience.

Here are some great rules to live by when communicating online. It will help you become the change you want to see in the world wide web. Just because we can say whatever we want online… doesn’t mean we have to.

Remember the Human

This is the most tried and true rule of netiquette: remember the human. Yes, bots exist; however, willful ignorance is not a good excuse. Most people online are much more similar to you than you may think. They have feelings, families, good days, and bad days just like you.

It’s important to remember that everyone is as much of a person as you are. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t repeat in real life. Remember there’s a reason why we encourage politeness in the real world — it helps us make it a better place. Don’t say something you know is wrong. Sometimes, as hard as it may be, it’s best not to engage with toxic content. The less engagement you give it, the better.

Respect Other People’s Boundaries, Including Your Own

Doxing is a horrible thing that everyone online is — unfortunately — susceptible to. Doxing is the process or action of publishing private or identifying information of a person online, typically with malicious intent. It is something that happens a lot more than anyone cares for, and it’s important to remember that; however, there’s a great way to protect yourself and others from this.

Keep your private, most personal and sensitive information to yourself. Make sure to reinforce this in your online interactions with others as well. Don’t ask for private information, don’t give private information, until you are really certain it’s safe to do.

We all meet new people online — it’s 2024 — but we can still remain mindful while being spontaneous. If both parties are respectful of boundaries and exercising patience, that’s the ultimate green flag. Be wary of anyone who isn’t practicing this level of netiquette, and be more mindful to practice this to keep yourself safe!

Keep Disagreement Healthy

We mentioned this a bit earlier, but sometimes it is best not to engage with toxic content. Whether it’s a troll, a bot, or a person it’s best not to let them take time out of your day. When engaging with real people, try and exercise courtesy… even if it isn’t necessarily returned.

Certain topics can create emotionally charged conversations, and it can get ugly pretty quick; however, sometimes it is best to practice restraint.

Will an extra response really change this person’s mind? Will a low-blow really validate your credibility? Sometimes, it’s best to just exit the conversation, or respectfully state your disagreement and move on.

There are so many people to engage with online, why waste any precious time in an argument? Remain respectful and find other topics of conversation to bond on, keep it balanced!

Are you ready to practice these rules and meet some new people online? These rules also apply to real life scenarios too. Cyasoon has created an app that safely connects you to new people within your vicinity.

Get to know those around you and expand your community. Follow us on our socials and download our app today!
